
Gore Verbinski om den aflyste BioShock-film

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Der er snart otte år siden at Gore Verbinski (der er kendt for The Ring, Pirates of the Caribbean, Rango og meget mere) afslørede at han arbejdede på en BioShock-film. Desværre gik der ikke længe før projektet blev aflyst, og nu er han helt parat til at fortælle os hvorfor.

I en AMA ovre på Reddit havde Verbinski dette at sige om projektet:

"Well it's no short answer to that question but we were eight weeks prior shooting when the plug was pulled. It's an R rated movie. I wanted to keep it R rated, I felt like that would be appropriate, and it's an expensive movie. It's a massive world we're creating and it's not a world we can simply go to locations to shoot. "A Cure For Wellness", we were able to really utilize a variety of location to create the world. "Bioshock" it wouldn't work like that, we'd be building an entire underworld universe. So I think the combination of the price tag and the rating, universal just didn't feel comfortable ultimately."

Der er dog stadig håb på en filmatisering, for han sluttede af således:

"At that time also there were some R rated, expensive R rated movies that were not working. So I think things have changed and maybe there will be another chance, but it's very difficult when you're eight weeks away from shooting a movie you really can see in your head and you've almost filmed the entire thing, so emotionally you're right at that transition from architect to becoming a contractor and that will be a difficult place to get back to."

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