Telltale Games har afsløret den første trailer fra The Walking Dead: Michonne, en tre episoder lang mini-serie, der fokuserer på den velkendte karakter. Michonne vil få stemme fra Samira Wiley (Orange is the New Black) i episoderne, der vil udforske hvad der skete med Michonne imellem tegneserie #126 og #139.
"We've been hard at work on this very special exploration of The Walking Dead universe that will further bridge together our game series with the canon of Robert Kirkman's comic though one of its most complex characters struggling to maintain her own humanity," sagde Kevin Bruner, medstifter og CEO hos Telltale Games. "Deeply haunted by the decisions of her past, putting players in the role of a character like Michonne to navigate the broken world around her is an experience that feels uniquely Telltale, and something we simply cannot wait for The Walking Dead fans to play."
The Walking Dead: Michonne udkommer til februar, og vil, som altid, ramme samtlige platforme under solen. Du kan se traileren herunder.