Vi fangede Betadwarf's Steffen Kabbelgaard Grønning på PAX East for at høre lidt mere om forsættelsen til Forced. Grønning fortæller om de mange ændring fra det første Forced til Forced 2: The Rush:
"In Forced 1 is was all about these intense boss fights kind of like World of Warcraft instances, [...] But this time it's way more procedural so you don't really know what you get into and you have to prepare for the worst. And we combine all of that with deck building and then you sort of just have to catch on and adapt to the flow as you go."
"This is the continuation from that story [in Forced 1]," forklarer Grønning. "What you're playing here is actually all the gladiators that graduated and you are now sort of the owner of a ludus if you will where you have a selection of gladiators that you sort of purchase and you want to have them as your host so you can select them for the different matches you are going to. It's kind of like being a boxing promoter I guess where you choose your characters to be the most renowned gladiator team in the universe."
Det var lidt svært at få en konkret udgivelsesdato ud af Grønning, men han kunne fortælle at planen er at ramme Steam Early Access til september. Han ville dog ikke sige noget om hvornår vi kan forvente at se det færdige spil, men vi har fået af vide at vi kan se frem til at spille etteren på Xbox One og "formentlig" Playstation 4 til sommer.