Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

Et indblik i Everybody's Gone to the Rapture's non-lineære storytelling

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Vi fik en chance for at prøvespille Everybody's Gone to the Rapture under den seneste Sony Digital Showcase. Everybody's Gone to the Rapture er et flot historiedrevet adventurespil som udkommer til PS4 senere i år. Efter at have prøvet spillet tog vi en snak med The Chinese Room's Creative Director Dan Pinchbeck omkring spillet.


"The big thing for us was to tell a story that only a game could tell - create a world, pack it full of story then let the player go, wander, explore and discover for themselves," forklarer han.

Spillet placerer spilleren i en idyllisk, og umiddelbart øde, engelsk landsby. Du går rundt og prøver at finde ud af hvad der er sket og hvorfor du er helt alene.

"There's six areas in this english countryside, in the valley the game takes place in," siger Pinchbeck. "In each area there are these glowing balls which represent these strange phenomenon. There are a number of those, and finding all of those unlocks a mini-climax in that area. And each area relates to one of the central characters in the story."

Da spilleren frit kan gå rundt som du lyster kan de risikere kun at opdage en lille del af historien før de gennemfører spillet ("it's actually possible to clear the game and maybe do a third of the game" siger Pinchbeck). Spilleren kan snuble over forskellige dele af historien og de opdager måske ikke engang historiens dele i den rigtige rækkefølge.

"There's multiple plot-lines running and developing simultaneously, but they don't run in linear order. So you may experience something at the beginning of the game, but the setup to that scene might be coming an hour or two hours later."

Det var en stor udfordring for forfatterne, forklarer instruktøren, når intet som sådan har en rigtig rækkefølge. Det var først da de skulle indspille speaks at historien blev sat sammen i den rigtige kronologi: "It was only when we went into the studio to record the voice actors was the first time we really put the script in linear order and had them record it linear order".

"Because it's non-linear, the player's not being openly directed to any particular part of the story, [so] the order in which they discover facts about what's gone on could change radically from player to player, which means everyone could end up with very different interpretations of the events that happened. That's scary, but really exciting."

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture er sat til at udkomme til PS4 inden sommeren er omme, og vi vil selvfølgelig holde dig opdateret her på Gamereactor.

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Everybody's Gone to the Rapture

ANMELDELSE. Skrevet af Katrine Baumgardt

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture er et af de spil, der har fanget manges interesse, men som ingen rigtig ved noget om. Nu har vi set nærmere på, om mystikken har gavnet The Chinese Room's næste titel.

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