Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Allu forlader officielt ENCE

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Der har tidligere været snok om, at Aleksi "allu" Jalli ville trække sig fra CS:GO mandskabet ENCE af personlige årsager. Nu er det så officielt bekræftet, at Allu er fortid på mandskabet.

Den endelige beslutning blev afsløret i en blodpost, hvor træner Eetu "sAw" Saha og general manager, Niklas "Willkey" Ojalainen forklarer følgende om situationen:

"In May, after we heard about the need for allu to take time off from competing, our CS:GO team was put into an awkward position, where their future was not completely clear," said Willkey. "This is, of course, a situation we don't want to keep our players in. We have been practising and playing with hades, and he has shown great potential and results already. We want to give him the shot he deserves in our roster. By doing this, we cement our roster once again and can fully concentrate on improving and moving forward."

Allu kom også med en udmelding: "Every story has an ending and today my time with ENCE's CS:GO team has concluded. This is a day that brings me a lot of different emotions when thinking back. The past three years feel like they've gone past so quickly. So many things have happened, both good and not so good. But I want to cherish the positives."

Det vides endnu ikke, hvor Allu vil forsætte karrieren.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

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