Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

G2 Esports dropper kennyS og hyrer JaCkz

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Der sker ret drastiske holdændringer igennem hele esporten i disse dage, og disse ændringer sker hyppigere og hyppigere, og mere og mere pludseligt. Et eksempel på dette er ovre hos G2 Esports, der via Twitter pludselig har afsløret, at de har fjernet Kenny "kennyS" Schrub fra deres CS:GO-hold.

Ikke bare det, de har faktisk allerede fundet en erstatning, for de har allerede hyret Audric "JaCkz" Jug, en veteran med fire års erfaring.

"As of today, we are making the following changes to our CS:GO roster. Audric 'JACKS' Jug will be returning to the roster. Nikola 'NiKo' Kovač will be transitioning to a hybrid Rifler/AWP role. Kenny 'kennyS' Shrub will be allowed to explore new opportunities."

"After an incredible 4 years with G2, it's sadly time for the legendary kennyS to find a new home. He is undoubtedly a current LEGEND in the game. In a team that can cater to him in full, he will undoubtedly carry that team to the top of CS:GO, as he has done time and time again at G2," uddyber G2's esportschef, Danny Engels.

Præcis hvorfor han pludselig blev fyret vides ikke.

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
G2 Esports

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