Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Hearthstone Scholomance Inn-vitational afsløret

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Blizzard har netop løftet sløret for en ny Hearthstone-turnering kaldet Scholomance Inn-vitational, en turnering hvor 20 Hearthstone-personligheder skal dyste om en stor præmie på $100.000. Selve turneringen finder sted allerede d. 25 august, og her skal de udvalgte personligheder splittes op i 10 hold af to spillere, som hver repræsenterer en særlig dobbeltklassekombi.

Selve turneringen løber af stablen med live-kommentarer fra blandt andet Frodan og Sottle. Det bliver også sendt i en række lande, og på en række sprog, lige fra russisk til spansk.

Reglerne kan du se herunder.

  • Each team will prepare four decks using cards from their Dual-Class pairing and at least 10 Scholomance Academy cards overall.

  • Each player will independently play through 4 rounds of best-of-three matches, with each game victory awarding their team 1 point.

  • If both players on a team win their match with a 2-0 game score, that team will earn an additional 2 points.

  • The final team placements and respective prizing will be determined by the total team point score after all 4 rounds have been completed.

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

ANMELDELSE. Skrevet af Mika Sorvari

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