Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Hearthstone vil fortsætte som fast esport hos Activision Blizzard

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Sidste år afgjorde Activision Blizzard uden nogen varsel at skalere ned på esportsstrukturen omkring Heroes of the Storm, som var en overraskelse for mange. Pludselig var der mange etablerede hold der ikke havde nogle turneringer at tage til, men nu ved vi at det samme ikke sker for Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft.

For nylig talte vi med designer Ben Thompson, og han bekræfter at Hearthstone forbliver en fast esport hos Activision Blizzard.

>"I think that the fact that the esports team are as focused as they are on creating a new look and feel on esports, and even this new [Specialist] mode, specifically this new format, is a testament to us wanting to take esports into 2019 and forward in a way that really builds around Hearthstone. How players play Hearthstone, how they view their decks - it not only makes for interesting and compelling esports from a player perspective, but even from a viewer's perspective as well. We've had a lot of feedback that this mode often makes even for more exciting viewing, as players and even part-time players can follow along easier."

"It's interesting to talk about those nuanced changes in a specific deck, rather than having to re-discuss entire new deck types and things like that. The fact that there is that kind of focus on the nuanced details of what makes this esports format compelling for Hearthstone and that we are listing to and soliciting actual question from players, as well as what they think of this and where they would like it to go in the future - it makes for an esports scene for Hearthstone that is not only strong, but wants to become even stronger still, and that's really the goal at the end of the day."

Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

ANMELDELSE. Skrevet af Mika Sorvari

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