
Shanghai Dragons-træner taler ud om dårlig holdform

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Overwatch League-holdet Shanghai Dragons har ikke oplevet megen succes i ligaen indtil videre. De startede Stage 4 ud med to nederlag i to kampe, og nu har træner Yang Van udtalt sig på TwitLonger om holdets form.

"Our last two losses must have disappointed and hurt you. Here I offer my apology to all the fans for letting you down again. We are sad as well and are even hating ourselves for not having seized the opportunity to win. As two matches ended up in losses, we received many questions, criticisms, and blame from you. We understand that we have to take those after we lost these two games."

"We have the most intensive training scheme among all the teams, ever since we arrived last December. Our daily schedule starts at 10:30am as we leave for training facilities and return to our houses around 10:30 to 11:00pm, with a possible training extension to 12:00am; we train six days a week with one day off. During mid-stages, we have 3-4 days off depends on other teams' schedule (if we can have scrims with them)."

Indlægget tilføjer desuden at spillerne kan slappe af som de vil i fridagene, og det indebærer også at spille andre spil end Overwatch.

Holdets træningsplan vil ikke ændre sig, dog tilbyder Van en undskyldning for den ringe præstation.

"I apologise again for recent losses. We will not slack off or give up. We are going to keep on training and solve existing problems, to win your recognition again in the future. Thank you," the post ends.

Photo: Overwatch League

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