Der er mange der er blevet trætte af gigantiske åbne verden, og i stedet foretrækker lidt mere tilrettelagte spiloplevelser. Noget tyder på at det er præcis det som Dragon Age: The Veilguard kommer til at tilbyde.
I et interview med IGN fortæller instruktør Corinne Busche fra Bioware, at de har valgt ikke at skabe en helt åben verden i spillet, men i stedet designet en missionsbaseret struktur. Det betyder at hver eneste lokation er "hand-touched, hand-crafted, very highly curated".
"We believe that's how we get the best narrative experience, the best moment-to-moment experienceHowever, along the way, these levels that we go to do open up, some of them have more exploration than others. Alternate branching paths, mysteries, secrets, optional content you're going to find and solve. So it does open up, but it is a mission-based, highly curated game."
Og hvad betyder det for sidemissioner? Jo, dem er der stadig masser af, for hver mission er bredt designet, og tillader masser af udforskning.
"Some of them are [highly curated], especially when it involves the motivations and the experiences of the companions. You're really along on this journey with them. Others, you're investigating a missing family... and the entirety of this bog is open up to you. You're searching for clues, finding a way to solve their disappearance. So really it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. But I do want to emphasize that hand-crafted and curated is our approach."
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