Det betaler sig altid at være godt forberedt, og det lader ikke til at Sony har ønsket at tage nogen chancer hvad angår det line-up af førstepartsspil, der udkommer sammen med PlayStation 5. Derfor lader det til, at Bluepoint formåede at gøre Demon's Souls færdig for over en måned siden, men rigtig god tid inden selve lanceringen.
Det fortæller insider og FromSoftware-fanatiker Lance McDonald i hvert fald på Twitter:
"Demon's Souls Remake went gold on September 24th. So as you can probably imagine, I've been allowed to see a few very small sections of gameplay from the Demon's Souls Remake, as well as been given a lot of information about the game now. I'm very happy with everything so far, but I also loved the gameplay reveal trailer so. If you hated the gameplay reveal video maybe you'll hate everything in the remake? It's hard for me to tell because I can't get into that mindset. This just looks like demon's souls except everything is incredibly beautiful and some bosses are far more disgusting than ever. Nothing I've seen or been told so far suggests any difficulty modes have been added. They could be, but if so, I'm surprised there's no mention of them anywhere."
Ja, som han også siger, så skal man nok heller ikke regne med at der er sværhedsgrader i denne omgang.