NovaLogic annoncerede i weekenden, det næste kapitel i Delta Force (DF) serien, denne gang med undertitlen, Task Force Dagger.
Denne gang er det Zombie Studios (Spec Ops, Rainbow Six: Covert Ops Essentials Redsorm m.m.) som står for udviklingen af spillet, som for øvrigt vil køre på en modificeret version af DF: Land Warrior motoren. Delta Force: Task Force Dagger udvikles til både PC og PS2.
Spillet kommer i løbet af Juni 2002 og her følger en dose screens og et uddrag fra pressemeddelelsen:
Utilizing NovaLogic’s updated Land Warrior engine, Task Force Dagger has been designed by Zombie as an entirely new game with new characters, weapons and single and multiplayer levels. One of the new features that has never previously been seen in a Delta Force game is the ability to play as one of 10 Special Operations forces; from Delta Force and Marines Force Recon to SEAL and British SAS.
"Zombie is designing and developing a Delta Force game based on actual targets and objectives real life operations would encounter, from raids on airfields to the battle for a major city," explained Mark Long, Zombie CEO.
Commenting on the development partnership, NovaLogic President, Lee Milligan said, "We’re very pleased to be working with Zombie Studios on Delta Force: Task Force Dagger. They have the experience, knowledge and ability to work with us to do the Delta Force franchise justice and to deliver a combination of realism and originality that will delight and surprise the Delta Force community".