Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

CS_Summit 3 har fået startdato og holdliste

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Virksomheden Beyond the Summet har afsløret præcis hvordan deres store CS_Summit-turnering finder sted. De har nemlig smidt en officiel bekræftelse ud via Twitter, der ikke bare afslører at konkurrencen foregår fra d. 1 til d. 4 november, men vi kender også alle de hold der skal dyste om præmiepuljen på $150.000.

G2 Esports, BIG, CompLexity, Ghost Gaming, Kinguin, NRG Esports, Heroic, og OpTic Gaming skal dyste, og da Summit-chefen David "LD" Gorman blev spurgt om hvorfor andre hold som Cloud9 og MIBR mangler, så svarede han:

"Between EPL, ECS, & the endless slog of LANs, the whole year is insanely crowded in the CS:GO calendar. We were originally scheduled for the same week Starladder ended up on, but we ended up having to move due to the conflict."

"Would we love to have the top 5 HLTV ranked teams at every one of our events? Sure! But scheduling them is pretty difficult, because they prioritize the major online leagues and usually have direct invites to every other LAN."

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Photo: Beyond the Summit

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