Tyske Crytek har travlt lige for tiden. Homefront: The Revolution blev afsløret for nyligt og før det var det afsløringen af Arena of Fate, men det er åbenbart stadig ikke nok. Således har udvikleren nu afsløret Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age, der lyder som en blanding af Left 4 Dead og det bedste fra Gears of War's populære Horde-spilmulighed.
- In Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age, players will be counting their bullets and crying out for help as they delve deeper into the shadowy world we've created. From the outset of the development process, we've poured our imaginations into the game so that everyone who plays Hunt will discover a challenging experience that feels fresh, captivating and rich in possibilities... lyder det fra Crytek USA-lederen (og tidligere Vigil Games-leder) David Adams.
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