Det har faktisk været ganske tydeligt i noget tid at Ciri skulle være hovedpersonen i det kommende The Witcher 4, men mange har undret sig over hvordan CD Projekt RED har tænkt sig at afbalancere karakterens evner, når nu hun endte med at være ret magtfuld i slutningen af The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.
Executive producer Małgorzata Mitręga har dog forklaret GamesRadar at de kommer til at afbalancere hendes kræfter, og at den her overgang giver narrativt mening:
"The gap between her being totally overpowered at the end of the previous game and now, with the skill set we showed off in the trailer... something totally happened in-between. We had to delve deep to consider how we would address this - we have huge respect for the lore, for both the books and for what made it into our previous games. But this was one of the first questions we found the answer for, and it's how we were able to create this original story which starts with The Witcher 4."
Du kan se traileren herunder.