Centclip: hey Solfinn Centclip: watching the replay from friday, nice work with the editing but the first minute is a little shoppy on the sound Centclip: hey sejefyr, doing ok? Centclip: Hey Nick sejefyr: Hey all sejefyr: yeah doing ok :) Lauritzen94: Hey guys sejefyr: Hey Lau Centclip: cool, did you get my 2 messages? Centclip: Hey Lau Lauritzen94: So anyone looking forward to the release of the order Centclip: i have it preorderd so YES Lauritzen94: im really in dought Lauritzen94: It seems decent, but im afraid its gonna be a bit Ryse´ish Centclip: we will see, but warewolves steampunk, looks awsome Lauritzen94: Yeah indeed love the setting. Grundtvig2203: Hello everyone, enjoy the livestream :) Centclip: yeah, it looks so amazing, lets just hope the game delivers Centclip: ill do my best Grundtvig Lauritzen94: Hey grundtvig Centclip: so is it only raiding other people's castle's or is there a real pvp setting in the game Nick? Centclip: place spiders for Dori :) Centclip: killed by your own dragon, shame on you Nick Centclip: can we chose who to raid or is it random? Centclip: show us how its done Nick Centclip: of topic, is there any Minecraft today? Centclip: nice dance Nick Indiankobran: Hi guys! Centclip: soo no friend raiding if you are not lucky, aww Centclip: yo Indi Centclip: thats kinda the point Nick Indiankobran: Nick, when will you stream The Order 1886? Centclip: stream as early as possible Indiankobran: Are you back at the old scedule with streams every day of the week? Centclip: nope, special for the order 1886 Indiankobran: Ah ok. Centclip: have you bought Destiny yet Indi? Indiankobran: Nope, Im still in the middle of Kingdom Hearts 2.5 :) Centclip: slowpoke Indiankobran: Some of the bosses are crazy hard! Centclip: fair enough Indiankobran: But yeah, I dont want to rush a game with a good story :) Centclip: thats no problem with Destiny then, atleast not yet Indiankobran: Have you tried to battle the Lingering Will in KH2? Centclip: yes Indiankobran: He is insane! Centclip: YES Indiankobran: It took me like 3 days to take him down. Centclip: Nick, are you ever gonna plat Diablo 3? Centclip: yeah ik, he is insane Indi Centclip: if this was on ps4 Nick, would you play it on your spare time? Indiankobran: Nick, do you think it would be possible to postpone the Minecraft stream until monday next week? Centclip: its not hard at all, just time consuming Nick Indiankobran: Have you done it Cent? Centclip: plated D3:RoS HELL YES Centclip: so when you play it again Nick, if you want help just ask Indiankobran: If this game would be on PS4. How would the trophies be and would it be an easy or hard platinum trophy? Indiankobran: Go invade someone's castle! Centclip: ^what he said Centclip: prolly cheated it Nick in that time, does not seam possible to do legit Indiankobran: Are there any bosses in this game or are there just mineons? Indiankobran: Mabye you could upgrade your speed or something? Centclip: attack the lvel 3 castle Indiankobran: I have to go now, see you later! Centclip: cya Indi Centclip: easy peasy Centclip: what is the 2 player symbol on the region map? Centclip: just saw the replay from destiny friday, you guys should hire me for commenting on gameplay since i talk almost as much as Nick :) Centclip: Durrrr looked like a frost giant Centclip: ah ok cool Centclip: try another one Centclip: you can build later Centclip: instaling the game now Centclip: the things we can buy, is it with ingame and/or real money? Centclip: halfway instaling Centclip: we need a crafting system in Destiny :) Centclip: yeah, most likely in Destiny 2 Centclip: SHUSSSSH Nick, dont spoil your plans Centclip: ok im in the game now Centclip: using the same name as here Centclip: accepted Nick Centclip: i upgraded it, try now Centclip: might be because im still in the tutorial Lauritzen94: What about a review Nick, when will it drop on GR` Centclip: i cant attack you either Nick, even though i have it unlocked Centclip: only saying it might be hard to loot, nothing else Centclip: might be because your account is boosted for the stream Centclip: btw the crew stream you are planing, are you gonna play against the users who have the game? Centclip: then send me the game so i can participate :) Centclip: cod ps4?