Det lykkedes os endelig at få Petter Mårtensson (kan I huske ham?) foran kameraet igen, ved at give ham lov til at snakke om MMO's, mere bestemt Wildstar. Han tog derfor en snak med Carbine Studios' development director Matt Mocarski, for at høre mere om det stort opsatte eventyr der lanceres inden længe.
Om udviklingen og den snarlige lancering siger Mocarski:
"It feels exciting and nerve wracking all at the same time... It's been a long journey so to get to the end of that journey and then we have a whole other journey starting with post-launch and being a live game."
Mocarski fortæller også om de månedlige udvidelser, som er planlagt til eventyret:
"If we weren't confident that we couldn't deliver every month, then we wouldn't be talking about it... We worked very early on, Guild Wars - Arenanet is a sister studio of Carbine, and we got a lot of insight into their process of how they do their updates. And we have a whole team, we have over 200 people that are working on post-launch and then we have a whole other team working on the live game. Making sure that all the balance updates and everything get into the game. So we have this kind of two pronged approach, but the entire Carbine development team is focussed on post-launch and supporting the game."
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