World of Warcraft har ændret sig rigtig, rigtig meget siden det først blev lanceret i 2005, men én ting der dog er det samme er at Horde- og Alliance-spillere fortsat er dødsfjender, og skal kæmpe mod hinanden i blandt andet Battlegrounds i stedet for at samarbejde.
Men det er ikke sikkert at det forbliver sådan i fremtiden. Under Blizzconline deltog instruktør Ion Hazzikostas ved et panel om spillets fremtid, og her blev han spurgt om hvorvidt Horde- og Alliance-spillere en dag kan spille sammen.
Hans svar afgiver fra dem der er blevet givet tidligere, hvor Blizzard har afvist muligheden:
"I honestly would not say never...There are a ton of reasons why it is essential to retain faction identity, but for the sake of rated arena, from day one, Alliance could fight Alliance and Horde could fight Horde. When Burning Crusade Classic comes out later this year, that will be a thing and that will be a competitive activity, and that was one of those areas where the gameplay and the need for matchmaking was the top priority and had to be. In an ideal world, all of these priorities would co-exist, but at the end of the day an MMO like World of Warcraft is about being able to play with your friends, being able to play where you want to be and arguably, there's greater stretch in the faction identity if you feel you can truly choose the faction you identify with, that you feel most a part of, and not have to sacrifice that because you need to be with your group or you want to join a higher-rated guild."
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