Det næste store kapitel af World of Warcraft er ankommet i form af The War Within-udvidelsen, men dette er faktisk bare første kapitel af en gigantisk Worldsoul Saga, der kommer til at bestå af yderligere to udvidelser, og som markerer en slags kulmination på alle de fortællinger der er blevet fortalt før i de mange år MMORPG'et har været aktivt.
Men så er spørgsmålet jo bare; hvad sker der så efter? Hvis spillet fortsat er populært, så er der ingen grund til at stoppe, men hvordan fortsætter man efter at alting... slutter? Det har vi snakket med instruktør Ion Hazzikostas om, og han siger dette:
"In very loose terms, you know, started to think about where the Saga might end and what that might set up next. But we honestly, we have our hands full with, you know, three expansions worth of planning and story development and world development. But we're making great progress on all of those fronts. You know, I was in meetings about, you know, aspects of what the last Titan patches will look like. Now, that's the third expansion in the trilogy. We're talking about, you know, where this is all going to end up. And what that enables us to do is to do a better job than ever before of really planting seeds and foreshadowing and weaving those threads that will pay off down the line. Because I think we have a firmer sense of where we're headed than we ever have in the past. And that allows us to, you know, do a better job today."
Du kan spille The War Within lige nu, og du kan se hele interviewet herunder.