
Blizzard foretager drastiske ændringer ved Assault i Overwatch

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Principal Designer på Overwatch, Scott Mercer, har detaljeret nogle af de PTR-ændringer de har foretaget via Battle.net, og har afsløret at disse ændringer er blevet implementeret for at forhindre kampene i at ende uafgjort på visse baner. Viser disse potentielle løsninger at virke, vil Blizzard indsætte dem i spillet.

"On PTR we're testing a change to victory conditions for maps that have capture objectives. This includes Assault maps such as Hanamura or Volskaya, and the first objective of Assault/Escort (aka Hybrid) maps such as Eichenwalde and King's Row. Currently on live, these maps result in a tie score more often then we would like. This is especially true for more defensible Assault maps such as Hanamura, which saw the most ties of any of our maps. We decided on trying a very aggressive method of tiebreaking on the PTR to create as few ties as possible."</I>

Derudover går han i dybden med de konkrete ændringer der er implementeret på spillets PTR-servere:

<i>"A team no longer has to completely capture one more objective than their opponent to gain a win. If both teams have the same score and run out of time, we now compare the maximum capture% of each team on the last objective they were both trying to complete. The team with the highest capture% on that objective wins. This is not based on the progression points at every 33%, but is on a completely granular scale of 0-100%. The three "pie pieces" still function as before, so if attackers take 50% of a map but wipe out then the minimum capture% decays down to 33%. We show the maximum capture% with an orange triangle placed around the capture circle."

Han giver derefter nogle eksempler på hvordan det ovenstående scenarie kan ske, hvorefter han forklarer hvordan dette påvirker spillerne. Dem der spiller forsvar skal eksempelvis stå ved kontrolpunktet langt længere, som gør at der kommer til at være mere udveksling imellem holdene.

"Competitive play is available with both Hanamura and Eichenwalde, so when you play on PTR you'll definitely get a map where the new tiebreaker system could be the difference between winning and losing! We're looking forward to feedback on how it all works, from the feel of the new system to how the UI can be improved," Mercer finished by saying.


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