Cliff Bleszinski har af flere omgange udtalt at han mener spilbranchen er i gang med en enorm fornadring, ikke mindst gennem de digitale spilbutikker der efterhånden findes overalt. I et interview med Gamasutra fortæller han nu samtidigt, at han ikke har tænkt sig nogensinde at udgive et spil på en fysisk disc mere:
"The whole 'old guard,' where you get a Game Informer cover and an E3 reveal, is dead. I'll never make another disc-based game for the rest of my career, and [at E3] they're trying to woo buyers from Target and Walmart?"
Yderligere fortæller Bleszinski at han finder inspiration hos spil som Rust og Minecraft, der udvikles løbende sammen med deres publikum:
"It's not about the 'new user experience'; in these games the new user experience is utter shit, and it's okay. There are two lessons people have not learned from Minecraft: Get the game out there and build it. Some kid will put out a video. Players will teach each other. You don't need the 'press A to jump'."