I weekenden samlede nogle af verdens bedste Rainbow Six: Siege spillere sig i Montreal til Six Invitational, men der var ikke kun esport på programmet. Gamereactor snakkede med Brand Director, Alex Remy, om spillets fremtid. Alex Remy svarede blandt andet på, om vi kan forvente at Rainbow Six: Siege vil bevæge sig ind på battle royale-markedet:
"No, I think battle royale is already out of the question," sagde Alex Remy og fortsatte: "Rainbow Six, it's a game that follows rules, follows pillars that are not compatible with battle royale. The asymmetric nature of the game, the importance of team composition, team synergy, and team communication, the importance of destruction, of Operators - all of those elements, clear rules that are making Rainbow Six really a unique experience in the shooter genre, are not compatible with the battle royale."
"And to be very, very honest, I think there are people that are doing battle royale tremendously well, so it would be almost, for us, throwing ourselves in a room where we may fail. I think Rainbow Six should be Rainbow Six, what it is, keep on doing what we do, so bringing new Operators, bringing more features, helping our overall player experience in the best way that we are doing, but Rainbow Six is not a battle royale and does not intend to be."
Ville du gerne havde set Battle Royale i Rainbow Six: Siege?