Starlink: Battle for Atlas

At bringe Starlink til Switch var "udfordrende" for udvikleren

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Starlink: Battle for Atlas udkom tidligere på efteråret, og som et forgangstilfælde udkom spillet på Nintendo Switch med en gigantisk narrativ og strukturel tilføjelse i form af Star Fox. Dette gør spillet til en helt ny IP for Xbox One- og PS4-ejere, og et Starfox-spil for Switch-ejere, men åbenbart var tilblivelsesprocessen ikke helt let for udvikleren bag Switch-versionen, Virtuos.

For nylig talte spillets tekniske direktør Jonathan Boldiga med GamesIndustry, og her forklarede han lidt om projektet.

"It was extremely technically challenging... Ubisoft had very high standards in terms of what they wanted on the Switch platform. Basically the mandate for us was, 'We need parity between all three consoles. Obviously, the Switch is a great machine but we had to do a lot of work to make sure we could keep visual parity between Switch, Xbox One and PS4. We did a lot of work on rendering optimisations, multi-threading, and trying to squeeze the most that we could out of the CPU. Lots and lots of data compression to fit into memory - you name every trick, we tried it."

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Starlink: Battle for Atlas

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Starlink: Battle for Atlas

ANMELDELSE. Skrevet af Magnus Groth-Andersen

Ubisoft kaster sig hovedkuls ud i toys-to-life med et spil hvor du skifter dele ud på dit rumskib. Spørgsmålet er så bare om det er sjovt.

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